خمس مزايا للمنتجات
- H65/H62 Brass Allo
- H65/H62 Brass Allo
- H65/H62 Brass Allo
- H65/H62 Brass Allo
- H65/H62 Brass Allo
تفاصيل المنتج
code no.napplication
/brass h65 is composed of65 ٪
copperand35 ٪
goodprocessing properties&undercold
andhotpressure and is golden in color. lighting ، pipe fittings ، zippers ، plaques ، rivets ، springs ، sedimentation filters and so on. ٪ zinc ، with high strength ، good thermoplastic ، easy to weld ، and good corrosion ، wave guide tube and radiator ، sugar industry ، shipbuilding industry ، paper industry n thickness 0.08 4.0mm ؛ width 8.0 600mm
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MiXiao Tech
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عنوان الشركة: Chang’.an Town,Dongguan City,Guangdong Province,China
موقع الكتروني: mixiao.b2bara.com
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