خمس مزايا للمنتجات
- C17200 C17000 C17500 C17510 Beryllium Bronze سبيك
- C17200 C17000 C17500 C17510 Beryllium Bronze سبيك
- C17200 C17000 C17500 C17510 Beryllium Bronze سبيك
- C17200 C17000 C17500 C17510 Beryllium Bronze سبيك
- C17200 C17000 C17500 C17510 Beryllium Bronze سبيك
تفاصيل المنتج
code no.n
/// performance berylliumbronzeis animortant
conductionelasticmaterial ،
highconductivity ،
ntistance ، \\ nhighstrength ،small
elastichysteresis ،characteristics of fatigue ancistance and no spark when impact are unmatched by other conduction elastic materials ،nmaterials. - application it is widely used to manufacture elastic components in electronic ،nelectrical ، communication ، instrument and instrument industries. because of its stable performancenin aviation ، aerospace ، \\ nwears ، ships and other imortant military depa rtments. incomputer ،
electrical ،explosion
tools ،chemical ،coal
andotheralso have hav.n thickness 0.08 4.0mm ؛ width 8.0 600mm - -
MiXiao Tech
الشخص الذي يمكن الاتصال به: Michelle
هاتف: +86 13650157503
هاتف ارضي: +86 13650157503
عنوان الشركة: Chang’.an Town,Dongguan City,Guangdong Province,China
موقع الكتروني: mixiao.b2bara.com
سابق: النحاس النيكل زنك ...
التالى: C5191 C5210 سلسلة سبيكة...